Angelus built in 1884 still carries such a piece of kit. It too was
seized up but now in good working order. It is a really valuable piece
of kit and hugely powerful. I have used it for a number of reasons.
One of them was to set up a system of block and tackle to pull a tyre
out from being half round the prop. The other was when we got lodged in
a narrow canal lock gate and had to winch the barge backwards to
extricate. Removal would be a massive job only to replace it with an
inferior winch. If you have a trad barge then clean it up, get it
working and flaunt it, as they say.
Post by DBA Forum (B) - Jeremy MayUnless I'm missing something, wouldn't it be a good idea to make sure it all works before your engine packs up near a weir?