DBA Forum (B) - Pete Clark
2014-08-12 12:08:26 UTC
A quick update: I did contact Powercell and they (David Millin) were extremely responsive and helpful. Unfortunately for them, and not surprisingly, the transport cost to France was prohibitive, removing their initial price advantage, plus I still had the problem of finding and costing a local fitter (in France in August ...), disposal etc. So in the end I've gone for a local French supplier after all to replace my 12 x 2v cells in the original dimensions, saving a lot of messing about with my current battery box, connections etc. Somewhat dearer than e.g. Trojan T105s, but hopefully they will last as well if not better. I'll try to remember to report back again once they are installed and have been underway for a while. Watch this space ...
Pete Clark
Nooit Gedacht
Pete Clark
Nooit Gedacht