Barge Plans
DBA Forum (B) - DeWayne Young
2013-05-24 17:53:46 UTC
Are there any plans for designing a Dutch Barge available?
DBA Forum (B) - Colin Stone
2013-05-24 17:56:02 UTC
Yes - certainly in Amsterdam Maritime Museum and probably Rotterdam Maritime Museum.

Colin Stone

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DBA Forum (B) - Richard Cooper
2013-05-24 18:14:23 UTC
Are you thinking the whole thing starting from building the hull or fitting out a bare hull?
DBA Forum (B) - DeWayne Young
2013-05-24 18:28:24 UTC
I am going to use EuroShip to make a kit for me as they seem to be a very good option and are very helpful..I am looking for ideas, layout options etc for apx 24Mtr Barge
DBA Forum (B) - Roderick Atkin
2013-05-24 18:48:02 UTC
Alternatively you could buy an authentic Dutch Barge and turn your back on a replica.   That might give you the same troubles as the rest of us -  but that depends on whether you have any feeling for the originals or whether you just want a steel cruiser.   From your query re plans I assume that you are on the boatbuilder side of 'Dutch Barges' and I am simply pointing out that there are other and traditional alternatives - and that they will retain their value, whereas your plan will not.  .  .



On 24 May 2013 18:53, DBA Forum (B) - DeWayne Young <dbabarges-pvYRptiajiAdnm+***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

Are there any plans for designing a Dutch Barge available?
DBA Forum (B) - Pete Milne
2013-05-24 19:00:02 UTC
The Euroship 2400 on their web site looks a good design - perhaps start from there, then consider what you want to do with the boat and how that design fits your needs. Also consider why 24m; smaller is  generally easier and cheaper to run.

Quo Vadis (1929, 25m).............................................................."The past is just practice"
DBA Forum (B) - Bill Cooper
2013-05-24 19:53:02 UTC
Yes, the plans of Boot Bros of Liederdorp, one of the best builders in Holland can be seen in the museum in Amsterdam
O Bill
------Original Message------

Sent: May 24, 2013 18:56

Yes - certainly in Amsterdam Maritime Museum and probably Rotterdam Maritime Museum.

Colin Stone

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DBA Forum (B) - Bill Cooper
2013-05-24 20:01:02 UTC
Rod you are right and you are not that old.
O Bill
------Original Message------

Sent: May 24, 2013 19:48

Alternatively you could buy an authentic Dutch Barge and turn your back on a replica.   That might give you the same troubles as the rest of us -  but that depends on whether you have any feeling for the originals or whether you just want a steel cruiser.   From your query re plans I assume that you are on the boatbuilder side of 'Dutch Barges' and I am simply pointing out that there are other and traditional alternatives - and that they will retain their value, whereas your plan will not.  .  .



On 24 May 2013 18:53, DBA Forum (B) - DeWayne Young wrote:

Are there any plans for designing a Dutch Barge available?

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2
DBA Forum (B) - Charles Mclaren
2013-05-24 22:16:02 UTC
I built a 20m euroships. Speak offline if i can help. 07711487955. C

Sent from my iPad
Post by DBA Forum (B) - DeWayne Young
I am going to use EuroShip to make a kit for me as they seem to be a very good option and are very helpful..I am looking for ideas, layout options etc for apx 24Mtr Barge
DBA Forum (B) - Charles Mclaren
2013-05-24 22:18:01 UTC
Rod...you are mistaken about values. C

Sent from my iPad
Alternatively you could buy an authentic Dutch Barge and turn your back on a replica. That might give you the same troubles as the rest of us - but that depends on whether you have any feeling for the originals or whether you just want a steel cruiser. From your query re plans I assume that you are on the boatbuilder side of 'Dutch Barges' and I am simply pointing out that there are other and traditional alternatives - and that they will retain their value, whereas your plan will not. . .
Are there any plans for designing a Dutch Barge available?
DBA Forum (B) - Peter Skerritt
2013-05-25 06:51:04 UTC
Try this place, I visited it while we were looking for our barge and was most impressed with both the yard and the owner. They build new barges with better lines than the other manufacturers and they also renovate old barges to a very high standard.


If you plan to live aboard go for 24 mtrs. Handling and mooring are not a problem, also if you can afford it have hydraulic spud poles fitted fore and aft.

Good luck with it,

Peter. (Aurigny) Blog - aurignyaperros-***@public.gmane.org
DBA Forum (B) - Bill Cooper
2013-05-25 07:09:01 UTC
I wonder. My crystal ball has macular degeneration, bu, as one whio one dabbled in vintage cars I know that the old Railton and Brough I once owned are now worth more than a new Lamborghini.
The old tjalks and luxies are antiques qith appropriate romantic enjoyment.
Replicas are the Ford Prefects of the barge world.
O Bill
------Original Message------

Sent: May 24, 2013 23:18

Rod...you are mistaken about values. C

Sent from my iPad
Alternatively you could buy an authentic Dutch Barge and turn your back on a replica. That might give you the same troubles as the rest of us - but that depends on whether you have any feeling for the originals or whether you just want a steel cruiser. From your query re plans I assume that you are on the boatbuilder side of 'Dutch Barges' and I am simply pointing out that there are other and traditional alternatives - and that they will retain their value, whereas your plan will not. . .
Are there any plans for designing a Dutch Barge available?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2
DBA Forum (B) - Daniel Boekel
2013-05-25 08:40:06 UTC
There are some nice new builds in my eyes,

And also nice 'rebuilds'

This is what I'm most probably going to do with my 26,4m barge:
Loading Image...
It might provide a 'fresh' idea.

Old boats to convert in the 30m+ size are generally cheap, so you might find it interesting looking at them, some are still in excellent condition after 100 years, they won't fail on you now :)


Partial build, always interesting (38m!):
